Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Conflict Resolution Strategies Essay - 1444 Words

Conflict Resolution Strategies Conflict has long been viewed as negative, and is usually associated with things as trivial as an argument to something as extreme as war, and is seldom seen as beneficial. In the team environment however, conflict can be very beneficial if recognized early and managed properly and can enhance team performance as well as relationships between team members. Conflict is inevitable as humans interact, because not everyone shares the same beliefs, values, opinions, level of education, expertise on a given subject, and social or economical background, just to name a few. Most of us try to avoid conflict whenever possible because it makes us uncomfortable. To become comfortable with it, or at the very least be†¦show more content†¦Most companies today are team based at least to some extent. Whether a management team or some type of project team, there are teams almost everywhere one goes. Typically, they provide some type of training for conflict resolution so that team members can handle those situations where conflict comes up and allows them to deal with it within the team if possible. Ignoring conflict in any situation does not make the issue go away; in fact, in most cases it makes things worse and can ultimately destroy a team or a relationship and keep them from reaching the goal. Ignoring conflict is not managing it an d should only be done there is no way to resolve the issue without some outside help. Remember that when creating a team charter, the guidelines for conflict resolution should be included and agreed on by all team members. (McNamara, 2003) Some types of conflict can be positive leading to outstanding results toward reaching the team’s goal. Managing conflict correctly can increase involvement from other team members who may have been reluctant to share thoughts or ideas due to a lack of knowledge or because they felt inferior to other members of the team. Increased cohesion can also be realized when each member of the team feels that other team members value their view or opinion. Conflict within a team can also bring about increased innovation and creativity. If team members are not afraid to think outside the proverbialShow MoreRelatedTeam Dynamics and Conflict Resolution Strategies1089 Words   |  5 PagesTeam Dynamics and Conflict Resolution Strategies University of Phoenix â€Æ' Success in many areas of our lives, be it family, education, business, or leisure, is dependent on successful teamwork. Teams are â€Å"a number of persons associated together in work or activity†¦a group on one side†(Merriam-Webster, 2008). 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