Sunday, May 17, 2020

George Gerbner Communication Theory - 1183 Words

â€Å"George Gerbner is one of the great pioneers in the field of communication research. He was born in 1919 in Budapest, Hungary and emigrated to the United States during World War II to avoid the violence of the war. He enrolled in Berkeley University in California and received his Bachelors in Journalism. He later went to school in Southern California and received his PhD in Communication in 1955. The following year, he began to develop communication models that stressed the dynamic nature of communication. Gerbner took a teaching position as a Professor of Communication at the Annenberg University in Pennsylvania. He was later to be appointed by Annenberg University as the Dean of Communication and held this position till 1998. He passed†¦show more content†¦Finally, Availability is formulated based on M’s attitude, mood, culture and personality. These are the three factors that interpret the limited Perceptual Dimension of the man or machine which is given th e symbol E1 in the model. The Second part of Gerbner’s model is referred to as the Means and Controls Dimension. M the man or machine creates a perceptual event with the information from E1. Now the Perceptual Dimension is considered E2 as the M internalizes a bias opinion about E1. Now we introduce S in the model. S represents the medium in which information travels. When the man or machine creates a written statement, a verbal one, or even signals like body language about the event it combines E2 and S and creates the final symbol SE2. SE2 or the communicated bias content reaches a new man or machine and now becomes labeled M1. The second part of the structure, Means and Controls Dimension can have infinite cycles. As the new man or machine receives the SE2, they can add their own interpretation making SE3, SE4, SE5, and also extend to multiple people M2, M3, M4 and so on.† (Gerbner’s) The Hunger Games is about a fictional world where people are chosen from several districts to compete in a match to the death. The interviewee Katniss, and her family come from a coal-mining community that is the poorest and least populated districts in the dystopian autocratic nation ofShow MoreRelatedMass Communication Theory Of George Gerbners Cultivation Theory731 Words   |  3 PagesGeorge Gerbner’s *cultivation theory* a macro-level system theory that examines mass communication by studying institutions, message systems, and cultivation analysis (1967; 1970; Gerbner Gross, 1973; Gerbner et al., 1980; Potter, 2014). Theorized during the â€Å"Age of Television† (Shanahan Morgan, 2004), the theory has been applied to newspapers and other media formats, assuming that media institutions â€Å"cultivate facts, norms and values of society† (Gerbner, 1970; Gerbner Gross, 1976). SpecificallyRead MoreThe Roots Of Cultivation Theory1727 Words   |  7 PagesCul tivation is a theory used to study media effects that was founded by George Gerbner. Gerbner wanted to find a new way to examine media effects but with a shift in focus from the traditional way media effects was studied. Gerber recognized that instead of media directly affecting a person’s behavior that overtime, long-term exposure to violent television programs has the ability to change a person’s beliefs and attitudes. 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